Scarborough is a local market service, covering 81 top U.S. markets (over 80% of the U.S. adult population). We are a currency
service for newspapers. We also measure radio, television, selected magazines and websites, and a broad range of consumer
lifestyles and shopping behaviors. Scarborough is the only MRC-accredited multi-media local market service in the U.S.
Web measurement has been a standard part of Scarborough surveys for several years. Respondents are asked about visiting each
of about 50 web sites. Almost half are newspaper and other local media-related sites, which are market-specific. The rest are
large “national� sites, which are common to all markets.
While these web measures have proven very useful, there is substantial client interest in more, such as matching our web site
visitor measures to an Internet currency source, adding page view and time spent metrics, and measurement of the many, many
other web sites of interest to our user community.
Fusion with a pure web measurement service such as Nielsen//NetRatings (NNR) appeared to offer a relatively simple, one-stopshopping
solution to all these issues, and was suggested by several clients. To explore this possibility, Scarborough recently
performed a series of Scarborough/NNR test fusions for our largest market, New York.


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