Compact quality newspapers bright future or false dawn?
Symposium: 2005: Prague, Session 7 - The Business of Publishing
Authors: Asquith, Richard, McMahon, Liz
Organisations: BMRB International
Topics: Newspaper Measurement
How valid are modeled newspaper readership estimates being used in the United States?
Symposium: 2005: Prague, Session 7 - The Business of Publishing
Authors: Campbell, Kevin, Solomon, Jessie
Organisations: Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC), Newspaper Services of America (NSA)
Topics: Readers-per-copy(RPC)
In the mood: effects of the introduction of a sunday paper
Symposium: 2005: Prague, Session 7 - The Business of Publishing
Authors: Bronner, Fred, Faasse, John
Organisations: Kobalt BV Media Services, University of Amsterdam
Topics: Newspaper Measurement
A roadmap to increase readership – helping a leading regional newspaper brand revamp its product in order to connect with its audiences better
Symposium: 2005: Prague, Session 7 - The Business of Publishing
Authors: Gonsalves, Bruce, Sen, Sandipan, Sreyamskumar, M.V., Sudhir, D
Organisations: Indian Market Research Bureau, The Mathrubhumi Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd.
Topics: Editorial Research, Newspaper Measurement
Revolution for a 103 years-old tabloid las ultimas noticias, 3 years after the change. going in deep
Symposium: 2005: Prague, Session 7 - The Business of Publishing
Authors: Rozas, Juan Carlos, Selman, Elias
Organisations: KMR Group
Topics: Newspaper Measurement
Consumer Newspaper Choice in Markets with Free Print Options: Are Free Daily Newspapers Competition or Opportunity for Traditional Paid Products?
Symposium: 2005: Prague, Session 7 - The Business of Publishing
Authors: Collins, James, Mahoney, Kathleen P.
Organisations: Scarborough Research Corporation, The New York Times
Topics: Newspaper Measurement
Temporal and antecedent patterns in magazine and newspaper reading
Symposium: 2005: Prague, Session 7 - The Business of Publishing
Authors: Kilger, Max
Organisations: Simmons Market Research Bureau
Topics: General, Targetting / Segmentation
Planning print in a multi-channel world
Symposium: 2005: Prague, Session 6 - Print in a Multi Media World
Authors: Cook, Victoria, Wicken, Geoff
Organisations: KMR Group, MindShare Worldwide
Topics: Advertising Effects, Inter-media Comparison
Evaluating magazines ots in cross-media advertising campaigns
Symposium: 2005: Prague, Session 6 - Print in a Multi Media World
Authors: Campbell, Carrie, Havlena, William
Organisations: Dynamic Logic, National Geographic
Topics: Advertising Effects, Readership Model
The power of the written word
Symposium: 2005: Prague, Session 6 - Print in a Multi Media World
Authors: Math, Andras, Perjés, Tamás
Organisations: Ipsos-Szonda, Ringier
Topics: Advertising Effects, Inter-media Comparison