Two important questions for Print research are addressed in the call for synopses: What sort of data should the Print medium provide, and how can our existing surveys be used more imaginatively? This paper tries to answer some questions related to these general-challenges.
In the Venice symposium in 2001, we described our new method (PRR) for establishing AIR-figures for Norwegian newspaper (Futsæter & Østnes, 2001). Now – two years later – we are confident that the change from FRY to an (at that point) undocumented method such as PRR was the correct choice, and we would like to document some of the findings that give us this confidence. Furthermore, as indicated in our Venice paper – “Pure recent reading: The solution for non-daily newspapers?â€? – the results from PRR raise some questions as to what is actually measured with traditional RR, a method widely used for establishing AIR-figures for magazines. Our NRS covers publications and questions that give us a unique opportunity to evaluate the differences in results between the two methods. In this paper we’d like to focus on some examples using the two different methods (RR and PRR) of calculating AIR, and explain the differences.

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